2025 Coachella Set Times. Rank popularity relative to the stage, not the whole event. Use the form below to generate customized set times from your years past.

2025 Coachella Set Times

Use the form below to generate customized set times from your years past. Visit the official website of iit jam.

After Going To Coachella For 10 Years, These Are My Predictions (And Maybe Wish List) For Next Year:

Please note, this number is for accessibility issues and is not a ticketing hotline.

1Pm Dreemy 2Pm Starrza 3Pm Mele 4Pm Anna Lunoe 6Pm.

Mark your calendars for weekend.

2025 Coachella Set Times Images References :

Please Review Our Rules, And Use The Official Threads (Below) For Tickets, Ride/Room/Camp Shares, And Meetups.

Indicators are blue (least popular) through green to red

The Main Headliners For The.

Coachella 2025 is set to begin on april 11, 2025.
